Our Process

Architreasures’ participatory process brings creative professionals and community members together to design and implement community ideas to improve public spaces and communal areas. Our work results in professional quality art and design projects that embody community spirit and include hands-on community participation. While our projects are shaped to meet the needs and aspirations of a specific community partner, we carry out a process that typically includes the following phases:

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  • Identify community goals and project outcomes with lead community partner(s)

  • Secure or confirm project funding

  • Gather input from local stakeholders

  • Complete site and feasibility assessments

  • Establish project scope, approach, timeline

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  • Select art/design leaders with community

  • Hold participatory design workshops neighborhood presentations, storytelling sessions and/or community cafe talks

  • Complete asset mapping with stakeholders

  • Develop creative design concepts and project components

  • Revise and finalize design based on community and partner feedback



  • Organize production process with creative team (i.e., artist, architect, interior designer, carpenter, contractors, youth interns)

  • Integrate hands-on art-making workshops for community participants into project production

  • Produce, build, install art and design work

  • Hold community celebration/dedication event to recognize project accomplishments