Ton Farm underground railroad site

Artist Request fof Qualifications

Architreasures is seeking qualified artists to produce an outdoor art installation for the historic Ton Farm Underground Railroad site at Chicago's Finest Marina located at 557 E 134th Pl as part of the Riverdale Creative Cultural Connections Project.

Riverdale Creative Cultural Connections (RC3) carries out creative placekeeping/ placemaking activities that cultivate collective healing and community well-being. Through space improvement projects and public artworks, the Project brings together local residents and leaders, in collaboration with artists and partner organizations, to transform the Riverdale community area through participatory art and design.

Project Site and Goals

Chicago’s Finest Marina is the oldest black-owned marina in the metropolitan area. The Marina sits on the former property of the Ton family, Dutch abolitionist settlers who in the mid 19th century operated a stop on the Underground Railroad. The site is recognized as part of National Park Service Network to Freedom program and African American Heritage Water Trail.

The goals of the project are to:

1) highlight the Ton Farm site and celebrate the history of the Underground Railroad and Black liberation on Chicago’s Far South Side through its design;

2) engage Riverdale residents and RC3 stakeholders in the conceptualization and/or production of the artwork; and

3) contribute to beautification and improvement of public facing areas at the Marina.

The artwork will be installed along an exterior metal fence that spans 113 ft wide and  6 ft in height and encloses the interior courtyard of the Marina. The artwork may be featured at specific sections of the fence or on the entire length of the fence; however, the design must allow for some visibility into the courtyard and river view.

Project Timeline

4/29/23                           Artist Zoom Info Session

5/19/23                           Artist RFQ due

5/26/23                           Short list of artists selected

6/30/23                           Artist mural concept designs due

7/6/23                            Artist proposal presentations

7/10/23                           Winning artist and design concept selected

7/17-7/28/23                Artist refines design via community workshops

7/29-8/11/23                Artist revises design based on workshop input

8/18/23                          Artwork design finalized

8/19-9/30/23                Artwork fabrication and installation

10/2/23                          Artwork complete

Project Budget

Artist finalists will receive $500 to develop their concept design proposals.

The project budget including artist design services, community engagement, materials , supplies, equipment rental, fabrication, and installation is $25-35k, to be determined based on the final artwork design.

How to Apply

Complete an online RFQ applicationincluding submission of CV/resume outlining qualifications and related experience, sample portfolio images, and interest statement by 5/19/23.

Questions? Please contact Manwah at manwah@architreasures.org.